LIC POLICY PAY ONCE – Get Rs. 1 lakhs every year

LIC POLICY PAY ONCE – Get Rs. 1 lakhs every year

There are plans to cater for all needs of an Indian citizen with LIC of India as Life Insurance plans, Money Back Plans Children’s Education plans, term plans, Pension plans etc. The proposer needs to choose the plans according to you their needs and future benefits.

LIC Of India also had regular payment plans as well as one-time investment plans. Many new proposers like monthly payment plans, as that, gives them a kind of satisfaction. Some like one-time investment plans, which give them a kind of comfort and limit the commitment to paying the premiums regularly.

Today we are going to see a plan which gives guaranteed returns as soon as you invest. From the first month itself, guaranteed returns for a lifetime. 

For example :

Mr Deepak, aged 45 invests Rs. 17 lakhs on time in LIC’s Jeevan Akshay VII plan, He would be getting Rs. 1,02,425/- yearly or rs. 8241/- Monthly.

lic policy, invest lic once, lic premium, lic agent, lic advisor, 997266065, lic shivakumar, LIC POLICY PAY ONCE - Get Rs. 1 lakhs every year

This plan is suitable for those who want guaranteed returns. Aged more than 25 years, Senior Citizens, Businessmen, small-time traders, and parents with school-going children Indian living abroad also like NRIs, OCIs and FCNRs can invest in LIC Jeevan Akshay VII plan

LIC of India is considered to be the best for all investments from Child Education to Pension. On investing, from the first month itself, a pension kind return starts for a lifetime and in case of any eventuality, the whole investment would be returned to the nominees.


  • Anyone can invest in the LIC Jeevan Akshay VII plan?

Only Indians of age 25 and above are allowed to invest in this plan

  • Interest rates would change under the LIC Jeevan Akshay VII plan at any point in time.?

The rate of interest, at the point of signing the document, would remain the same for the entire term of the policy. The rate of interest would never increase or decrease at any point in time. 

  • How can I buy the LIC Jeevan Akshay VII plan?

To buy the LIC Jeevan Akshay VII plan, call LIC Agent at 9972660645

  • When the interest would be paid?

The investor while signing the forms can mention the mode he wants the pension in monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly modes.

  • What is the age of entry in the LIC Jeevan Akshay VII plan? 

The minimum age of entry under LIC Jeevan Akshay VII is 25 years and the minimum investment for this age is Rs. 10,00,000/-  and for ages 30 and above Rs. 1,00,000/- only.

  • Can I pay the LIC premium at once?

Yes, there are plans in which the LIC policyholder can pay once the policy starts. These plans are called single premium plans. As per the terms of the policy, the benefits are given to the policyholders.

For any further info, write to us

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