LIC Jeevan Arogya – LIC Plan withdrawn

LIC Jeevan Arogya 

Date of Withdrawal : 12.07.2021

LIC Jeevan Arogya is a non-linked Health Insurance Policy that helps individuals to cope up with rising medical costs. In this plan, you can cover yourself, your spouse, children, and parents as well as your mother-in-law and father-in-law. It is a comprehensive health insurance policy for the entire family.

Benefits and Key Features of LIC Jeevan Arogya

  • One health insurance policy that covers self, spouse, children, parents, and parents-in-law
  • Covers hospitalization, surgery, and much more
  • Provides benefit payout irrespective of the actual medical cost incurred
  • Can be availed along with existing mediclaim policy for the same hospitalization/surgery
  • Cover can be extended to new members of the family in case of marriage and childbirth
  • Quick Cash Facility is available on hospitalization instead of waiting to make a claim for the benefit after discharge
  • Under Quick Cash, 50% advance payment is given by LIC (under 57 surgeries performed in-network hospitals)
  • Payouts made on the basis of photocopies of bills
  • No Claim Benefit is 5% of the initial Hospitalisation Cash Benefit (HCB)


What is covered in LIC Jeevan Arogya?

  • Hospitalization Cash Benefit (HCB)
  • Major Surgical Benefit (MCB) is 100 times the HCB / Accidental Death Benefit (ADB)
  • Day Care Procedure Benefit paid as a lump sum
  • Other Surgical Benefits (where all other surgeries are covered) is 2 times HCB / ADB
  • Ambulance charges up to Rs 1000 per insured per year, for major surgeries under category 1 or 2
  • Premium Waiver Benefit
  • Auto increase @ 5% in both HCB and MCB up to 50% even if there is any claim

Hospitalization Cash Benefit in LIC Jeevan Arogya 

  • Choose from Rs 1000 to Rs 4000 per day
  • Up to Rs 4000 per day, for a maximum of 720 days
  • Up to Rs 8000 per day for a maximum of 360 days in the ICU

Daycare procedures (which do not require 24 hr hospitalisation) in detail:

  • 5 times Hospitalisation Cash Benefit (HCB) / Accidental Death Benefit (ADB)
  • 140 surgeries
  • 3 daycare procedures are covered in a year, and 24 procedures covered in a lifetime

Waiting period for availing benefits in LIC Jeevan Arogya:

  • Accidental claims – 0 days
  • HCB and MSB – 90 days from the policy start date

Additional Benefits of LIC Jeevan Arogya

  • Term Rider and Accidental Benefit rider available as an option
  • Increasing health coverage every year as a No Claim Benefit

Eligibility conditions and other restrictions in LIC Jeevan Arogya

  • Daily Hospitalisation Benefit Minimum Rs. 1000/day excl ICU & Maximum Rs.4000/day excl ICU
  • Major Surgical Benefit Minimum Rs. 1,00,000 & Maximum Rs.4,00,000
  • Entry Age of Self/Spouse, Minimum 18 Years & Maximum 65 Years
  • Entry Age of Children Minimum 91 days & Maximum 17 Years
  • Entry Age of Parents, Minimum 18 Years & Maximum 75 Years
  • Age at Maturity, 80 Years Maximum
  • Payment modes are Yearly, Half-yearly, Quarterly or Monthly (ECS mode only)

Exclusions – What is not covered in LIC Jeevan Arogya Policy?
  • Pre-existing conditions (unless disclosed and accepted by LIC)
  • Routine check-ups and Non-allopathic treatments
  • Epidemic diseases or conditions (classified by Central or State Government)
  • Cosmetic or beauty treatments, circumcision, dental treatments
  • Plastic surgery (unless necessary for the treatment of illness or due to an accident and performed within 6 months of the event occurrence)
  • Any treatment arising from an insured person’s failure to act on proper medical advice
  • Self-inflicted injuries or attempted suicide
  • Abuse of drugs, alcohol or intoxicants
  • Conditions existing at birth (congenital conditions)
  • Rest cure, general weakness, nervous breakdown or related conditions, infertility or sterilization
  • Sexually transmitted diseases like HIV / AIDS
  • Pregnancy or child-birth-related conditions
  • Any act of war, invasion of foreign enemy, naval or military operations etc
  • Radioactive contamination
  • Criminal or illegal acts
  • Natural catastrophes like earthquakes, floods etc.,
  • Participation in dangerous sports like racing, scuba diving, bungee jumping

For more information, visit LIC India’s official website

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