Important & Useful Apps

Important & Useful Apps

Important & Useful Apps for day to day use. No one can use a mobile phone without Apps. Apart from Mobile phones, Mobile Apps have become a big hit in the market. For every product, today, there is an app. 

These Apps are nothing but a service provider. The basic of all Apps is Google Play. It is the storage for all Apps.  In today’s world, all apps are available in the Google App. As per the online website, as of the first quarter of 2021, Android 34 Lakh apps, Apple App store 22 Lakh Apps, Windows Store 6.6 Lakh Apps and Amazon Appstore 4.6 Lakh Apps.


This data itself shows the popularity of Apps in the Mobile World. Apps are the main marketing tools for many online companies. There are lakhs and lakhs of companies promoting their products through their apps only and getting millions of dollars of business. 

We list out below some important and useful Apps for your usage.

MicrosoftWhatsappFlipkartSwiggyMicrosoft Teams
YahooTelegramSpotifyUber Eats
OracleSnapchat Meesho
Google PayYouTube
Phone PeHBO Max
Google Play Games
Amazon Prime Video