How can I transfer my LIC policy to another LIC branch?

How can I transfer my LIC policy to another LIC branch?

Transfer of LIC policy is very easy nowadays. There are some simple formalities that have to be completed at the existing  Branch level. 

Before the process could start, the LIC policy should not have lapsed or no premium should be due. If the policy has lapsed, it has to be revived and if any premiums are due, need to clear all premiums before the transfer letter is given. 

How can I transfer my LIC policy to another branch?

The LIC Policyholder needs to give a letter to the existing Branch stating the transfer of his/her LIC policy to a particular branch by giving the LIC Branch code and a complete address for some reason.

Once the written request is given within 7 working days, the LIC policy would be transferred to the new Branch. 

There is one more option for the transfer of the LIC policy to another branch. By writing an email to your existing branch, the LIC Policy can be transferred.

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    1. It is very easy to transfer the policy to another Branch. Please give a written request to the existing Branch to transfer the policy to a new branch (Code number). It would be done within 15 working days

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