Corona – COVID-19 – Be safe

Corona- COVID-19

The health of all is totally dependent on resistance power. Our Universe is fighting against the deadly virus called Coronavirus. The main difficulty, no shape found for this virus so far. Most of the media shows this as round in shape and a kind of red color in nature.  Whatever may be, the virus is very dangerous, and it is very difficult to ever detect. No medicine or vaccination is found since its start of spreading from Wuhan, a city in China’s Main Land.

Some Basic Information to keep yourself safe from Corona- COVID-19 :

The government of India and the World Health Organization are updating their websites on a daily basis. Advice to the public, wrong Myths, safety measures, use of mask, cleaning of Hands and regularly, wearing a mask whenever go out are very essential things which no one should forget.

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Some easy to follow precautions measures during  Corona – COVID-19 days

  • Use tissue while sneezing
  • Avoid Traveling
  • Stay At Home
  • Use a mask if you go out
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap
  • Avoid Crowd
  • Be Safe.

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